Contact us
Name Lisan Yip
PH: (07) 4433 1739
Trial phase
Why is this study important?
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is the narrowing or blockage of the arteries in the leg. It is a common chronic condition and symptoms can include leg pain upon walking which is relieved by rest. People with PAD also have a high risk of having a stroke and developing cardiovascular disease.
Therefore, this study aims to help people with PAD to improve their walking capacity, quality of life, reduce leg pain, requirement for surgery and cardiovascular events.
What will I be asked to do?
- An initial health check up to discuss your diet, physical activity, health and medical history
- 4 appointments with a health practitioner over 6 months
- An annual health check-up over 2 years
What are the benefits of taking part in the study?
- Free health check
- Although this study may not directly help you, it may help someone else in the future with this condition
What are the possible risks of taking part?
- The risk of harm from this study is expected to be low
Who can participate?
- People who have blocked arteries in the leg
- Who experience pain upon walking that is relieved by resting
What about confidentiality?
This study has been reviewed and approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. All information collected will be treated confidentially and will be used for health research only. No information will be released in a way that would allow an individual to be identified.
Complaints can be made in a confidential manner to any member of the study team, or by directly contacting the:
Ethics Officer
Human Research Ethics Committee
James Cook University
Phone: (07) 4781 5011
Email: ethics@jcu.edu.au
How can I participate in the study?
If you’d like to be involved in the trial, please contact Lisan Yip on (07) 4433 1739 or email lisan.yip@jcu.edu.au.
The team:
Queensland Research Centre for Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Professor Jonathan Golledge
- Associate Professor Anthony Leicht
- Dr Nile Allaf
- Dr Ramesh Velu
- Dr Jason Jenkins
- Dr Nicola Burton
- Professor Maria Fiatarone Singh
- Dr Frank Quigley
- Professor Paul Norman
- Professor Robert Lusby
- Professor Abdullah Omari
- Associate Professor Chris Askew
- Dr Murray Ogg